assalammualaikum and salam 1 malaysia...=)

hahaaha...mood terasa nak update blog...actually not r mood tapi terada idea r pula, sikit pengenalan r pasal entry aku this time..privacy...or privasi...or dalam definisinya is like secret atau pun apa lagi erk...ermmm, can it be like a something that we don't want people to know about it...pada aku more to secret r senang cerita...tak ada orang nak secret dia orang lain tahu kan???except yang mana yang terasa boleh dishare tuu, lain cerita r.....okay move on to the main...

actually, this time entry pasal privacy nie, i just want to story....not story but to what i want to call it erk...hah!!!!to talk about...when we talk about is something that we don't want other people to know or people respect our secret....right????so, to other people...when if someone said it is secret or it is their privacy...just try to appreciate it...sometime...not all thing that people want to share it even with their trusted person or friend...even with their bestfriend...for me, it is not because they did not trusted you but maybe it is something that they think it will be shame for them to share it or they think, maybe it should not be share with other enough themselves to know just my opinion and i think, we should respect it....

when i came to think about it again...yes, maybe it will a bit broken heart as to know someone you think as your closest one hiding something from you...but think is their privacy...not all thing can be share...maybe later on, i will do the same..maybe right?who know?? i learn from mistake...once, because my behave that i really want to know bout my friend, we accidently had an small fight...and i don't want to make it happen again....just want them to know that their friend is always there to hear their problem or other....if they like to keep it themselves, just let it long as it did not harm themselves or their feeling...hahaha
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