hehehe....mesti pelik right about my entry this time...setelah agak sekian lama tak update...actually it is about of course super junior...aku rasa majority ELF dah tahu kot about super junior involve in WE GOT MARRIED...about the blind date semua tu....hahaha...apa pulak aku nak cerita pasal suju kali nie right???actually it is not about suju but about ELF, EVERLASTING FRIENDS...nama fan super junior...
okay...aku rasa sumpah nak tergelak tengok ELF yang buat macam2 because tak setuju about the programme...seriusly aku rasa tak ada faedah nak kutuk2 artist2 perempuan yang terlibat dalam WGM yang dicouplekan with the fighting junior...beside...bukan tu permintaan fighting junior sendiri ke nak blind date????it is hurt????of course r... jealous, hurt, patah hati bagai tengok kita punya oppadeul(oppa2) tiba2 have date with other celebrity but please think again...it is necessary to bash all that girls just because they were paired with our suju oppa????yahhhh....it is very unmatured act okay???

like me...i was LEETEUK opaa bias...really...i really admire leeteuk oppa...i just need to watch him, heard their song, watch his and other super junior variety show and it make my day complete....but once when i heard that he will be appa in HELLO BABY season 4 with sistar....i waiting for it...futhermore...i really like it,,,,i can see the other side of leeteuk oppa as a father...then, i heard the special leader will be in WGM....and i like...what???it is true????but instead i'm bashing kang sora or what so ever...i waited for it....i feel happy for it...why???because i know that leeteuk oppa will be happy....and when i watch the dimple couple...i was like...wahhh!!!!!! i really like it...they make me smile alone like crazy...and i really like how quite they are.....at first...ELF still can not accept it right???but then???are'nt they so sweet together???and can you see leeteuk oppa brightly smile???even i feel quite sorry for him as that time he handle too much show but he still can smile brightly shown that he enjoy that imaginary marriage....
why i post about this???actually...i really dont understand why other should bashing about the programe...it just a programe right????i really can't wait for this upcoming episode...the blind date episode...i'm sure they will make me smile alone like leeteuk oppa and sora unnie already do it to me....just be profesional guys...it is nothing with all that bashing you already did...just support our oppadeul...and i really want to remind again...IT ONLY A PROGRAMME....araso?????
dont said that i'm not a ELF...i'm an ELF....if i'm not...i don't really care about our oppadeul...i will not heard their songs everyday...i'll not watching their variety show everyday...i'll not support them for everything they did...i'll not cried when i saw their tears...and everything...i'm an ELF..a hardcore ELF...but it does'nt mean that i have to do all the bashing just because of the very small thing....if u r a really an ELF...just support our oppadeul..their happiness is our satifiscation right???
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