assalamualaikum and anyeonghaseyo....hahaha
urm...jangan r gempak sangat...i'm still 19 as i born in still january right?, i'm still 19....juz the feeling to be 20 just come to is??or only my feeling????hahaha....
it was funny each time i recall myself that my age will sooner turn 20 this year...actually...why i said like that? 20....that age should be an adult right??? the age that girl will get more matured especially in dressing up, make up, housecore, and other...and the boys start to feel big like an is???just my observation because from what i see...especially the sight as a girl...i can see my friends start to wear make up...not only basic make up like compact powder, but the use blusher, eye-liner, eye shadow and other...and each time i say they with that heavy make up...i was like....=,=...maybe it was myself that still not used to be more matured than before but everything need step by step right???hahaha

actually the main point is not that,,,a few weeks friends and i were waiting for our friend to fetch us for our study group...then suddenly my friend asked me..." yute, t kau tolg ye buat tocang macam orang tu?"...then, i was..."what??asal pula aku???"...and dengan friend said..." entah sebab aku rasa macam kau reti benda2 nie,"...and my jaw was totally am i???kehkehkeh...yeah...maybe among us...even before other friends said that i was quite rough but other seen the opposite of it...maybe?hahaha...but seriously it was funny...thank you to her to said it was not me...
maybe its true that as my age turn me to be more feminine???hahaha...if it was a good sign right???? it should be...but i like if i just before like i was...i think it was more suitable for me...but as time passed...everything change right???not everything was good to be like before...sometime...we need change...we need to 'hijrah'....from good to be better...from better to be the best....hope as the time passed...i'll be much more better person....insyaAllah..amin....
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